

Become a Tenant Union Member

How to Build a Tenant Council

How to File A DNS Complaint on a Landlord

How to File a Landlord Complaint to State Consumer Protection

Tenant Legal Aid

Wisconsin Eviction Resources

Rent Assistance

Guides to Tenant Union Organizing

Tenants Association Handbook

A guide published by the Los Angeles Tenants Union.

Tactics vol 1.

A zine distributed by the Autonomous Tenants Union, Chicago, outlining 7 tactics for tenants organizing.

Community Control of Land & Housing

Exploring strategies for combating displacement, expanding ownership and building community wealth, by the Democracy Collaborative.

Building Power, One Building at a Time

An interview with the Crown Heights Tenants Union – The Indypendent

Oakland Tenants’ Rights Handbook

A collaborative guide on the rights tenants have, by the Oakland Tenants Union, San Francisco Tenants Union and Causa Justa.

The Tenant and Neighborhood Councils Reader

A guide for organizing neighborhood councils, by TANC.

Building Dual Power in the Neighborhood

Reflections on neighborhood and tenant organizing, by Jay Lucien and Varlam AkratROAR magazine

Stomp Out Slumlords: An Anti-Eviction Operations Manual

Metro DC DSA. Very detailed guide to tenant organizing.

Tenant Organizing Manual

NYC DSA Housing Working Group. Well-researched guide to tenant organizing manual.

Tenants Handbook

LA Tenants Union. Lengthy guide to tenant organizing.

Forming a Tenant Union

Madison Tenant Power. One-page flyer on how to form a tenant union.

Resources for Tenants

Madison Tenant Power. Two-page list of resources for tenants.

Madison Tenant Power Handbook

Reference guide to some practical basics of tenant organizing.

Flyers and Graphics

A small collection of graphics, free for use in tenants organizing campaigns.

Cancel Rent Sticker MATU

MATU Informational Flyer

MATU Eviction Resources Flyer

Tenant Union Constitutions and By-Laws

MATU Bylaws

Find enclosed the most recent version of the MATU Bylaws and Points of Unity. This is a living document that will be updated by membership as necessary.

Homeowner Resources

  • Housing Resources Inc. – Buyer education, mortgage counseling, grant assistance, foreclosure prevention and more.

Resources for Organizing during the Coronavirus